An Insider’s Guide to Buying the Right Stone

Geposted von Vanita Dhirmalani am


Buying crystals can be  distraught with many pitfalls. Considering the vast amount of crystals available around the world and each loaded with their own set of unique attributes, choosing one for yourself can be overwhelming especially as a beginner. When a person hears the words ‘crystals’, ‘healing’ & ‘transformation’, the first thought that comes to the mind is – What exactly is crystal therapy and how do you identify the ones best suited for you?

Crystals have been used for many years now for they have a unique frequency that resonates to an individual’s mind. Crystals are known to generate energy and direct them to a source, thus sparking transformation. Crystal therapy has grown to be accepted as a means of alternate healing.

How to Choose the Right Type of Healing Crystal

There are several ways to you can shortlist a potential crystals.

Here are three of my favorite methods – although I recommend “1st Method” for most beginners.

1st Method: Let Your Intention Guide Your Choice


The easiest way to choose a healing crystal is to decide which area of your life you want to improve, then pick a crystal that resonates with this intention.

Each crystal has unique properties that change our energy field in different ways. So, whether you’re interested in spiritual self-development, protection, health or general well-being, there are multiple crystals that align to this energy.

Once you’ve decided on your intention, take a look at our website to find the best crystal that resonates with your  intention . Our website has a huge list of crystal, each one unique in nature and suitable for different situations in life check their description before making any purchasing decisions

For those in a hurry to choose a crystal, however, here are ten of the most popular options, along with a brief overview of their characteristics and strengths.


Citrine is a lovely crystal for boosting finances and attracting good fortune, particularly in business. It improves stamina and health, and may lessen symptoms of depression and anxiety. Citrine is a highly creative crystal and can strengthen mental resilience.


Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is the stone of love and compassion. It can nurture self-love, love for others, or unconditional love, and emits a feminine energy that can heal emotional trauma. Rose Quartz may also assist you in forgiving yourself or others.



Amethyst is a highly spiritual crystal that protects your energy field, amplifies dreams and clears your mind of negative thoughts. It also boosts psychic ability and intuition. It’s a natural de-stressor and has an immense calming energy. 


Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is a powerful protector against negative energy. It enhances well-being whilst providing support through stressful periods. It can also absorb electromagnetic radiation and ease anxiety. This is a good stone for keeping you grounded and secure.


Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli has a strong manifesting energy, which enhances creativity and psychic insight. It teaches you to trust your intuition and promotes self-awareness. Lapis Lazuli is also great for providing an auric overhaul and promotes honesty when speaking or writing.


Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is the Master Healer with strong amplification properties. It can be programmed for any purpose and is great for setting intentions. Clear Quartz also protects against negativity, opens your mind to higher guidance and energises all the chakras.



Carnelian inspires confidence and trust, giving you the courage to face difficult decisions. It’s a calming influence on anxiety and stress, and has a powerful energy for stimulating creativity and overcoming apathy.  Carnelian may also boost fertility and promote sexuality.



Jade brings luck and prosperity, by encouraging you to take responsibility for your own happiness and finances. It’s an all-round balancer of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self. Jade is also a stone of friendship and serenity, and supports achieving goals and targets.


Smokey Quartz

Smokey Quartz is a powerful grounding stone for releasing feelings of fear and insecurity. It transmutes negative energy and encourages letting go of unwanted emotional baggage. Smokey Quartz is also used for electromagnetic stress and has a powerful cleansing effect.


Tigers Eye

Tiger’s Eye is both stabilising and grounding. It’s powerful for releasing fears, particularly surrounding creative projects, and will protect against negativity. Tiger’s Eye can also help you move forward with life, achieve goals, manifest money and maintain a positive attitude.


What if you don’t know your intentions though? Here are two other methods you can use.

2nd Method: Choose a Crystal That Resonates With a Chakra

Chakras are spiritual energy centers that are often depicted as spinning wheels. When open, they keep us healthy and balanced, but problems arise if they are blocked or unbalanced. Crystals can help heal Chakra blockages.

The seven main Chakras align with the spine through to the top of the head. They are linked to our nervous system and major organs, as well as our psychological, emotional and spiritual being.

Each Chakra is a different color and has different associated stones. By identifying the Chakra you want to unblock or balance, you can determine the best crystal to help you.


Here’s a list of the 7 main chakras and the crystals associated with them:

  • Base Chakra – The Base Chakra is red and grounds your energy with the earth. It’s generally involved with survival and security, and is positioned at the base of your spine. Crystals that resonate with the Base Chakra include black tourmaline, bloodstone, red jasper and hematite.
  • Sacral Chakra – The Sacral Chakra is orange and aids the vital energy to flow through your body. It’s positioned below your stomach button and is the centre of your creative self, emotions, pleasure, and sexual organs. Crystals that resonate with the Sacral Chakra include carnelian, amber, orange calcite and sunstone. Here’s a full list of crystals for the Sacral Chakra.
  • Solar Plexus – This beautiful yellow chakra is connected to your neural network. Its focus is your personal power and self-confidence, helping you to be your true self. The Solar Plexus Chakra is located just below your breast bone and resonates with citrine, rutilated quartz, pyrite and yellow jasper amongst many others.
  • Heart Chakra – The wonderful green and pink Heart Chakra emanates love, compassion, unconditional love and forgiveness. Its placed in the centre of the chest and connects the lower physical chakras to your higher spiritual chakras. Stones that resonate beautifully with this Chakra include rose quartz, emerald, green aventurine and green jade.
  • Throat Chakra – The Throat Chakra is sky blue and the centre for communication and self-expression. Placed at the base of your neck, this is the first of the spiritual chakras. Turquoise, aquamarine, lapis lazuli and blue apatite are just some of the wonderful crystals that resonate with it.
  • Third Eye – This Chakra is a deep indigo color and is the centre for your intuition. Stimulating the Third Eye Chakra activates the pineal gland and boosts psychic abilities. It resonates strongly with purple fluorite, amethyst, shungite and labradorite.
  • Crown Chakra – This is the most mystical of the Chakras and can be purple/violet or white. It’s your connection with higher consciousness – divine purpose and destiny – and is positioned at the top of the head. A few examples of crystals that resonate with it are selenite, clear quartz, amethyst and diamond.

In order to choose a crystal that’s linked with a particular Chakra, it’s helpful to look at the crystal’s character, energy and colour and how it resonates with you. There’ll be many crystals associated with each Chakra and some will align with more than one Chakra.


3rd Method: Choose a Crystal That Resonates with Your Astrological Sign


There are twelve astrological or zodiac signs, one of which is linked to your birthdate. Choosing a crystal linked to this astrological sign is useful if you don’t have a specific focus in mind.

  • Aries (March 21 – April 19) – People born under the Aries star sign are ambitious and make good leaders. A selection of crystals for Ariens include carnelian, bloodstone, green jasper and citrine.
  • Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – Taureans like things to be predictable. They’re loyal and dependable. Crystals that resonate with them include jade, dioptase, malachite and amber. Ch
  • Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – People born under this star sign can be changeable and are good communicators, flexible and quick-witted. Some stones that align with Gemini are howlite, agate, celestite and Dalmatian stone.
  • Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – Cancerians are nurturing, devoted and compassionate. They resonate well with the energies of emerald, pearl, moonstone and red jasper.
  • Leo (July 23 – August 22) – People born under Leo have high self-esteem and are assertive and vibrant. Onyx, carnelian, pyrite and golden topaz all resonate with a Leo’s energy.
  • Virgo (August 23 – September 22) – This star sign is centered around helping people and caring for the planet. Crystals for Virgos include blue tourmaline, peridot, green jade and moss agate.
  • Libra (September 23 – October 22) – Librans are fun, artistic and intelligent. Sodalite, peridot, tourmaline and opal are all great crystals for this star sign.
  • Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) – People who are born in the sign of Scorpio are passionate, sensitive, charismatic and independent. Aquamarine, smoky quartz, malachite, topaz and rhodochrosite resonate well with a Scorpio’s energy.
  • Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) – Sagittarians are sociable, optimistic and love travel. Stones that align with their energy include sodalite, turquoise, tiger’s eye and topaz.
  • Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) – People in this star sign are ambitious, strong willed and self-disciplined. Some of the crystals that resonate with Capricorn are garnet, fluorite, and malachite.
  • Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) – Aquarians like the truth in all things and are very independent. Stones that align with the Aquarian nature are garnet, amethyst, opal and turquoise.
  • Pisces (February 19 – March 20) – Pisceans put their friends before themselves and care about achieving goals and fulfilling their dreams. Some of the stones that resonate with Pisces are angelite, aquamarine, sapphire and amethyst.



How to Choose the Exact Crystal for your Purpose


Once you’ve decided on the type of stone for your purpose, the next thing is to pick the right crystal for you.

The single most important advice I can give is to trust your intuition. There isn’t a right or wrong way to choose a crystal, but you should be looking to feel a connection. I can’t emphasis this strongly enough.

You also shouldn’t worry about making a bad choice. All gemstones hold the imprint of their specific structure and energy, so any crystal of a specific type will support your intentions. What we’re tinkering with is a specific crystal’s vibration and how it resonates with your particular energy field.

Pro Tip: It’s always safe to combine crystals, and often this can provide additional benefits.

How to Know You’ve Found the Right Crystal


If you get a powerful tingling sensation as you hold a crystal, there’s nothing more I can tell you – buy that crystal!

But if you’re inexperienced or not sure which to choose, here are a few tips to help you.

When you’re holding a crystal or looking at a picture, try and feel the energy that emanates from it.

Does it give you a sense of calm or inner knowing? Does it fill you with excitement or the sense of possibilities? Do you feel physical sensations such as heat or tingling? Any positive emotions indicate it’s a good choice.

Another technique is to notice where your eyes are drawn as you first look at a selection or even a photo. This will be a good indication of the perfect crystal.

Don’t choose a stone solely because of its size, shape, cost, color, shine or sparkle though – these are contributory factors, but not essential. Sometimes the most improbable crystal will be the one best aligned for  you.