Lapis Lazuli Platonics ( BS-4135-S-1)

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Lapis Lazuli Platonics.

Lapis lazuli has a lot of medical benefits. It boosts immune system, lowers blood pressure, purifies blood and soothes inflammation, if any, in the body. It is also said to alleviate insomnia, depression, throat and thyroid related problems.
Lapis Lazuli relieves general pain and inflammations, and is especially effective against migraine headaches. It aids the nervous system and brain disorders, and is believed to help with attention-deficit, autism and Asperger's syndrome.
The five Platonic Solids were thought to represent the five basic elements: earth, air, fire, water, and the universe. The cube is associated with the earth, and reconnecting energy to nature. The octahedron is associated with air, and cultivating acceptance and compassion.