Rudraksh Orgonite Gemstone Pyramid Tree ( BS-2124-S-1)

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Gemstone Orgonite Pyramid Tree.

Hindus have used Rudraksha malas as rosaries for meditation purposes and to sanctify the mind, body and soul. Rudraksha beads may be strung together as a mala and used to count the repetition of a mantra or prayer in way similar to the use of rosaries in Christianity.

 EMF Protection Orgone Pyramid aka Orgonite Pyramid which will help you protect from surroundings EMF energy. There are several healing stones or gemstones believed to be worked as a protection device against emf energy. Shungite and Black Tourmaline are one of 'em and they are most powerful against EMF energy.

Size : 65-75mm

This EMF Protection Tool (Orgone Pyramid) as shown in the picture is handmade with love and care under very superior observation & selected against the best quality. We always prioritize the quality and so as we use 100% genuine materials in our Orgones, Healing Stones, Crystals, Copper & Resin.